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General Merchandise

General Merchandise

Shockwave Treatment at the University of Cumbria Sports Injury Clinic

Shockwave Treatment at the University of Cumbria Sports Injury Clinic


Running every Thursday during semester time for the Public and University staff. 

Remaining Dates of the academic year : 17/04/25, 24/04/25 and 01/05/25.

Do you suffer from Tendonitis, fascia pain or muscle strains? Focussed Shockwave treatment is our latest offering using the latest technology and research to treat conditions such as: Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Shoulder tendinopathy, Plantar Fasciitis Greater trochanteric pain syndrome, Medial tibial stress syndrome, Achilles tendinopathy and more.

Focussed Shockwave targets pain, reducing symptoms quicker than other methods, providing more efficient and faster healing.

This is a supplementary charge to the standard sports injury clinic (£15 per session) of £25 for a single Shockwave treatment of £110 for 5 Shockwave treatments.

To discuss if this treatment option would benefit you please contact sportsinjuryclinic@cumbria.ac.uk


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waddell hall

University of Cumbria Sports Injury Clinic



For University staff and the public, from now and running every Thursday during semester time in Lancaster.

Remaining Dates of the academic year:17/04/25, 24/04/25 and 01/05/25

You will be able to select your date and time of appointment when you click on the Proceed to Checkout button before making payment.


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