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(F) Confirmation of Placement hours ONLY – QTS and PGCE students only (from 2007 onwards)

(F) Confirmation of Placement hours ONLY – QTS and PGCE students only (from 2007 onwards)


Please note: the Official Documents and Letters service through our online store has re-opened but continues to operate on a remote and reduced model, in line with the majority of University services. As a result, the team have had to significantly adjust their processes and they are not currently able to work to published timescales. Under usual circumstances, orders can take up to 28 days to turn around – this may now take up to 60 days in the current situation.

A Confirmation of Placement Hours document can be requested at a cost of £20.

For University of Cumbria students who commenced study from 2007 onwards ONLY.

If you are not able to find the document you are looking for please contact [email protected]

Confirmation of Placement hours will confirm the placement hours completed throughout your programme of study and where available the age ranges for these placements only. This document will not detail the module marks, award classification or award title. These documents can take up to twenty-eight working days to produce. This does not include the delivery period.

 Information - please read before ordering:

  • If you graduated or exited before 2007 this information is not available
  • If you choose to have this document sent by courier there will be an additional cost of £60 at checkout. This will provide a more secure delivery and in some instances a quicker delivery service. If you wish to use a courier, please note that they will not deliver to PO Box addresses.

If you have any queries, please email [email protected]


Confirmation of Placement Hours Document post 2007 by 1st Class Post


Confirmation of Placement Hours Document post 2007 by Airmail


Confirmation of Placement Hours Document post 2007 by Courier


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